Cadet Recruitment 2020

As the Supreme Cadets program has come to the end for the year, we started our recruitment process for new and old cadets, for the year 2020. The Institute strives to grow and have an impact in as many children’s lives.

Subsequently, for 2020 we have decided to increase the number of intakes in 2020 and involve more schools in the local area. We will be adopting SK Moseneke Primary School which is based in Lotus Gardens, a small township situated next to Atteridgeville. Our high school reach for 2020 will also expand in 2020 as the current grade sevens  branch into different high schools within the Atteridgeville and Lotus Gardens townships as well as Pretoria central.

The process of recruitment included a visit to the primary schools, where rangers got to speak about the program to the grade five to seven learners. Learners who were interested in joining the program were then requested to write essays about themselves and to speak about the problems that they have identified in their schools and communities that they would like to fix.

After submitting essays, the candidates were screened and chosen candidates were  shortlisted for a face to face interview with the rangers. Successful candidates who made it through the interview phase were selected and provided letters of acceptance for the year 2020.  In addition, the letters were a way of congratulating and welcoming them into the Supreme Cadets Institute. 

Ranger Suprise Nkwinika interviewing a candidate from SK Moseneke Primary School.

Our current cadets were also taken through the same process as new candidates. This helped us to pick the best suitable cadets to join us based on the institution’s believes and values. The returning students were also asked to reflect on what they learnt through
2019 and how SCI helped them grow and progress either socially or academically.

From the recruitment process a lot of learners mentioned a few problems that they would like to address to make their learning environments better. These included:

  • Smaller Classrooms- Getting bigger classrooms as learners experience overcrowding which affects their ability to concentrate and work in these confined spaces.
  • Bullying- Many learners expressed that bullying was a problem and that they would like to come up with initiatives such as motivational talks to speak to learners about anti-bullying.
  • Cleaning and Recycling-Some learners expressed the need to come up with anti-littering campaigns as they felt their schools were not clean.
  • Sports Grounds- Many learners would like for sports grounds to be refurbished and utilized in the correct manor.  A lot of students would like to play sports but their school premises do not allow for varied physical /extra-mural activities.

For 2020, SCI would like to assist our learners in addressing some of the problems they have identified.  We have already gotten a head start with the construction of two new classrooms at Sefako Makgatho Primary School.

We look forward to welcoming our new and former cadets in the new year!

Ranger Boitumelo Mfuyo and Naledi Raseroka conducting an interview at SK Moseneke Primary School.