We kick started our year with the first Cadets Assembly on the 18th of January 2020. The Senior Cadets and Junior Cadets met at Sefako Makgatho Primary School. With both new and old Cadets, we noticed that bonds and friendships were already forming amongst the Cadets. There was excitement amongst the Cadets because some had not seen each other since the Awards ceremony in 2019.
This assembly was used to introduce the new Cadets to the SCI program and stipulate what is required from them as Cadets. Our Cadets have to live by our Cadets Pledge which is treated like the Cadets code of ethics.

This year we have introduced houses for the Cadets. Cadets will belong to their allocated house throughout the year where they will compete with other houses for points and the end of the year awards will be given to respective houses depending on their points.
We have six houses and each house has about 18 Cadets. The house names derive from the values of the Cadets Pledge. The house names are:
- House of Integrity
- House of Ethics
- House of Humility
- House of Perseverance
- House of Accountability
- House of Honesty

To break the ice, we played an activity that required the houses to design an outfit for an artist of their choice. They were only given newspapers, tape and scissors to create the outfit. This activity required interaction between the Cadets and helped them get to know each other better.