According to the Department of Education, the recommended maximum number of school pupils to educator ratio for South African Primary schools is 40:1. However, for most public schools in South Africa, overcrowding in classrooms is a reality for both school learners and educators. Most of the public schools particularly in disadvantaged areas, have overcrowded classrooms of 50-60 pupils and educators struggle to focus on the needs of each pupil. The effects of overcrowding are “far-reaching for teachers and learners”(Marais 2016).
As part of addressing the problems of overcrowding, the Supreme Cadets Institute with the help of ENCHA Group and the Nzama Family Trust have pledged to build two classrooms for Sefako Makgatho Primary School.
On the 19th of September 2019, the projected officially started and the digging of the
foundation commenced.

During the first week of October, the foundation box was complete, and the construction
team started levelling the foundation and laying the floor slab.

The classes are set to be open in January 2020 just in time for first 2020 school term.
The Atteridgeville History and Heritage Foundation commended ENCHA Group and the
Nzama Family Trust for supporting the Supreme Cadets Institute Classroom Project:
The Atteridgeville History and Heritage Foundation would also like to congratulate the Moseneke Family and Nzama Family Foundation for their wonderful goodwill gesture in their rebuilding the township school of choice Sefako Makgatho Primary School. Well done and may you grow from strength to strength.

MARAIS, Petro. “We can’t believe what we see”: Overcrowded classrooms through the eyes of student teachers. S.Afr. j. educ. [online]. 2016, vol.36, n.2, pp.01-10. ISSN 2076-3433.
Motshekga A 2012. Pupil teacher ratio at 30.4:1. Politicsweb, 12 September. Available at–angie-motshekga.
Accessed 5 December 201