Study Tips for Learners During Covid-19 Pandemic

As we come to terms with the effects of Covid-19, we are extremely worried about the ways in which we are able to assist our Cadet during this difficult time. As SCI, we understand that many of our learners may not have access to the resources but we are trying our best to contact our students.

Here are a few tips to make use of the 21 days lockdown to study better:

1. Create a Timetable /Schedule for the Week

One of the most effective study skills is creating a timetable with milestones which will enable you to achieve what you want to learn during that period. Having a timetable or schedule makes it much easier as you set out time to focus on certain topics or subjects instead of being overwhelmed by all the subjects you have to get through by the end of the lockdown.

To your timetable or schedule, you can add to-do Lists and time limits to help you manage your time. 

  • Make a to-do list at the start of each study session, so that you’re clear about what you need to be doing with your time. 
  • Set time limits – Before you start your study session, have a look at your to-do list and give yourself a set time to spend on each task. If you don’t get something done in the set time, consider whether it’s best to use your time to keep going with it, or to start working on something else.
Timetable  Source: Parent24
Schedule  Source: Momspresso /Jessica McHale Photography

2. Make Use of Study Applications and Channels

There are several applications available for learners to use which are in line with the CAPS curriculum. We suggest that where possible learners use them interchangeably to ensure that they get a full understanding of the topics covered. 

The internet and youtube may also be useful resources to explain some of the topics. Here are some of the apps that we suggest you can make use of:

3. Discover Your Learning Style:

Get to understand the learning style that makes you most comfortable. Some of the most common learning styles include:

  1. Visual Learners – prefer to learn by seeing information and observing things.
  2. Auditory Learners – these learners understand better by listening. These learners would much rather listen than taking notes.
  3. Kinesthetic/tactile Learners – these learners learn through experiencing or doing things.
  4. Reading/Writing Learners – these learners prefer to learn through written words.

Below is a picture which shows the different types of learning and tactics that can be used to facilitate the different learning styles.

Source: Prezi Blog

4. Make Use of Different Note Taking Styles:

Explore the different note taking styles such as making mind maps, underlining and highlighting, making your own summaries, Flashcards, drawing, etc.

Some learners may find it useful to use different styles for different subjects but learning gets easier when you know which learning styles work for you.

5. Review and Revise

Reviewing and revising is a crucial step in learning as it helps to track your progress in grasping the concepts and topics that you are engaging. Some of the best ways to review and revise include taking mock tests or asking others to quiz you on the work you have done.

Reviewing and revising will help you to remember the topics and increase your confidence more especially when you are preparing for the real tests, assignments and examinations.
